Saturday, December 14, 2013

Puzzle piece

In my mind I prevail at each dawn , epiphanies of greatness swimming past my skull. An overwhelming love filling my every cell and atom and like an explosion as two galaxies collide on an ever so far universe. It all sums up in one moment. After the moment passes I’m left with answers. To what questions? Only possibilities. I feel as though this language only I can understand. I long for those with like minds. People who search to forever find. Where are those people now? Parts of me, and me parts of them. Like a puzzle piece waiting to be reconstructed. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


Will the trumpets sound, and the birds still sing?
When freedom rings.
A place for the beautiful things
The hate all gone none have heard the name.
will we love all the same?

Will we remember?
Like nightmares of a time ago
No, fear we shall never know
Pure, inexplicable
Will be our miracles

Thoughts translucent
For all to see
No judgment, no poverty
All will be free.

Don’t cry
But if you do
Our tears will shine the path to truth
They will gather
In another place
Never to see

Your soul nor face.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


At times I ask myself why I am an outsider. But other times I just accept the things that brought me to be that person. The characteristics  that have been labeled throughout my life. I have seen great things. Bad things, sad things, all types of things, I have yet to see but I feel as though Iv’e seen it all. From the window looking in. where I question everyone’s normality. Everyone’s dilemmas, their struggle, to see, the true light. Not those stale fluorescent lights, but the Sun. The eternal light that shines behind our eyes. And as I look within they look out and notice the difference. I’m not accepted because I’m different. But the beauty of this, the irony.  I used to be on the inside. I have seen it all. We are meant to experience, to see all, to choose. Our destiny. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mind scattered. Questions cant form endings . too much thought .take a step back and observe. What brought me to where I am? I’m so happy now. But theres something missing. Loose peace of myself. Looking within for answers .the outside inspires me. Gods work sorrounds me, others inspire me. But this thrilling unsettled calm settles over me, wanting to do something. Something important. I know it I am certain, should I wait. Im tired of waiting , I want the truth. Can I handle it? All I want is peace, love, unity,  but it’s a dangerous world we live in. Is it so hard to believe that Im not from here?
The relevance of events really puzzle me. Why does anything even really matter. Life is just change. Constant change. Setting, personality, physical appearance. Everything changes. We struggle to hold on to the past, trying to drag it on to our future. But we must learn to live in the present. We must learn how to live in general. I want to live
There are so many types of love in the world. From the unconditional infinite love for your parents to the perpetual search for true love, the other half of you, and all in between. Each person we meet takes a piece of us, we leave behind but a memory, a whisper of the past, but each person makes us who we are. An unseen force thrusting us into not the darkness that is the future, but the light that is now.  On this undying quest we searched frantically, for him, for her, for love from the people, and towards people, lost because I have so much love to give. It piles up on the far reaches of the universe of my mind waiting to be called upon by my hearts receptors. Does love come from the heart? Some say it comes from a simple touch, when eyes meet, or maybe it’s in the air. I think it comes from our inner bodies, our souls. Why is it that we want so much as human beings.  So much to love and care for, so much to hope for. And we shrink at the voices of others, others who are capable of the same love and because they don’t realize nor understand it they convince themselves by shutting down those around them.. We all search. Quietly, loudly, desperately, infinitely…. All wanting to shine, all wanting to break free, all wanting to escape this irrational reality that emanates hate without purpose. What I’d give to peel my skin away, my bones, like a rose, to be myself, to be pure energy, to find the other half, to be infinite, to be love.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The path to my soul, doesn't pertain to my mold
Layers aspects, peeled away
As I realize, we are specs
Of vibrant noise that
Feel the need to break free
Enlightenment comes from
Within, as above so
Below, my mind will
Never go again
Make your enemy
Your friend

(We can all find the path of enlightenment which is within ourselves, past the skin, muscles, bones, nerves, we are vibration; Ripples of possibilities on a wave of opportunity. We can really do anything, and as you realize this you begin to accomplish the impossible. Physical reality is an illusion to the grand picture, the higher frequencies we once came from and we will go to again. This is an important time. Love will conquer the space between us until it exists no more. Only until we truly know ourselves will we find our place among the stars. We are one. )
The ability to see
Something in me
, not many have, eyes
To read the beauty
In the drowning sea
Roaring in disguise

No one understands
existing outside of the mind
consequences like sand
against the wind I search not to find
whats rightfully mine? Peace
only when I shut my eyes
I see no limit in my dreams,

Looking down at you from the sky


Questioning my origin
from the distant stars maybe
 or from the earth under me,
my consciousness slips past my body
thoughts coming from the stars
everything is connected
who am I to be great?
I shed light on my third eye
But those that live in darkness
Shudder at the brightness
Trying to find, searching.
I know what it is now
Now. Me .the universe.
matrix. Enlightenment, breaking free
I search for meaning
I've been searching for meaning my whole life.
Driven by it, consuming my thoughts, a hunger for it.
Trying to remember. Past that which I am now.

What was and is and will be. 


I don’t know if writing down all my emotions and feelings will solve my problems. I just know I have this desire to leave a record.  To leave my thoughts and words, which is all a man has in whatever form it presents itself; An everlasting presence. I want to leave this world knowing that something changed because I was here. But I am past that stage, I know I was sent here for a reason. All of us were. These experiences fade from my memory but forever shape my physical body. Nevertheless they don’t make me who I am. I am who I choose to be, and so is everybody else. An ember remains inside us, faintly lit, waiting to be blown by the soft wind of light. We are powerful beyond measure, beyond that which we limit ourselves to, and into the depths that our imagination doesn’t comprehend nor want to accept. We’re all on this quest, for what? For love? For truth? For glory? And as the stones get higher and steeper and the roads divide we get lost, We focus on walking this road, jumping, building all these devices to help us climb, some just forget they try to push away that light which is within them, unready to live, ignoring their soul’s messages…higher into the pit, the light at the end of the tunnel… We live for the promise of the infinite, but I tell you, love, truth, glory, they are all the same, for that which is love is also the glory of god that he has left for us to see the truth. True love, not for a particular person or objects but love for yourself. Because we are ONE, and when you take away the space between us what are we but energy waves, forget particles, forget matter, forget all that you have been taught. Think. Feel. Surround yourself with thought and emotion and then…just be.


In awe I sit back observing
Through the mist, I see a light
On a horizon of pink
Where my fears run to the ocean
Pure emotion
I’ll call you love
But My lips remain unworthy
Of a name that rings
In ears too deaf to hear
In eyes unseen I vow
Dreams cannot convey
So I search at day
For you

Cry, let your tears out, open your mind to yourself. Reveal your true identity. Smile.  And then just do what YOU want to do. Make your dreams come true, fuck expectations, love everything and everyone around you, live in the moment, meditate, find YOURSELF and know who You want to be. I’m tired of people telling me who I am, and what I’ll become. I will dominate my destiny and no one else will. There will be ups and down. My tears wont stop falling. But I know as long as I speak my mind and don’t hold back, I will shine. And I won’t compare my shine to the stars or some other light source because mine will be unique. And I don’t care who’s eye it reaches. Because as I shine the path in front of me will also be illuminated, and those in it will have the chance to see. My soul being set free. 


There is so much to think about. My mind races past signs telling me to slow down but I speed up, like a meteor that has traveled many cycles , just to burn up in the atmosphere and break into pieces that will scatter over the already scarred planet. But this scar will be a good one. And all will praise this scar , having uprooted the dirt of the planet allowing for them to look within and find an answer to all questions asked in the soul of the earth. And their won’t be a need for  loneliness or anger so they will be cast out into the vast universe never to return because we will all meet our moment of  truth. and we will see the lives of those less fortunate than the ones we call our own, and cry for them until the last tear will be washed away by a flame. A flame so bright, the flame that we all hold behind our eyes, waiting..waiting for the corruption and lies to end, hoping ..hoping for all to awaken and unite..waiting and hoping isn’t enough because to set everyone free, we must first believe, in ourselves.

The search

The truth is unexpected like tidal waves on desert sands . It sends you back , as though you relive your life with new eyes. You searched for it, questioning the possibilities. But at the peak of it, you realize it was within you, the dawning chambers and alleys of your mind as ancient as the world and the stars. Part of a bigger picture just like everything is. Patience  for regretful events to put me on my path. There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, now .  Skepticism to what I don’t understand but all will become clear in the next dimension.
Sometimes care just leaves me, along with emotion , fuck them.

There are more important things like love. Is it an emotion or is it an energy? Given to us by a higher force as tools to unlock ourselves from the physical realm. 

The beggining of my journey

A kid sits observing the world through the window. The dark world. His eyes only.
The crisp refreshing wind exhausts his lungs as the sun gets ready to ascend.
But is he ready? The darkness welcomes him; his eyes hang low as the dawn progresses.

He sits alone, sounds filling his ears. His dreams condemn him  to hope, as lost stars watch over his every breath. Is he alive? Questioning human emotions and distances we all travel. But he believes no one’s traveled as far as him. It’s only when you do something about this urge that makes it important. They define expectations, but whats wrong with defying them? Feeling like he’s alone, he looks around trying to escape his mind.  But he’s the only one that has those eyes. He’s different. How do I know the sunrise is real through the windows?
Script of what I tell myself in the mirror every time the sun comes up: I am passionate about life, I am strong, fit, vibrant all the time everyday, my body restores itself to it's natural state of health, I love, forgive, and release everything from my past, I listen with love to my body's messages, I love myself, I am infinite, I am love